The deadline for submissions has passed. Please be patient while we begin the abstract review process. The following information is kept for reference only.
Call for Papers
We are accepting papers for the 50th Annual Conference on African Linguistics, to be held at The University of British Columbia, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada from 2019-05-23 (Thursday) to 2019-05-25 (Saturday). Additional satellite workshops will be held from 2019-05-22 (Wednesday) to 2019-05-23 (Thursday), and on 2019-05-26 (Sunday).
Sessions & Workshops
Please see the Schedule of Events page for more information.
The deadline for submission is 2019-01-21 (Monday) at 23:59:59 Pacific Standard Time (UTC-8). Please note that late submissions will not be considered. International participants are urged to submit their abstracts at the earliest date possible because of visa requirements. We plan to notify participants about the outcome of their submission by mid-February.
Review Process
Abstracts will be subject to blind reviews with special attention paid to originality, quality, and relevance. Twenty minutes will be assigned for each presentation, to be followed by a 10-minute question-and-answer period. Poster presentations will be scheduled at dedicated times; there shall be no simultaneous oral sessions during the poster presentations.
Abstract Guidelines
All abstracts should be anonymous and written in English with glosses or translations for words or examples in any other language. Each abstract, including the title and any data in figures or tables, must not exceed 500 words. Data must include interlinear glosses following the Leipzig Glossing Rules. The 500-word abstract should be single-spaced and in a Unicode font no smaller than 11 point, and in .pdf or .doc/.docx format. Abstracts must be submitted electronically via EasyChair.
If you would like your abstract to be considered for one of the workshops outlined above, please indicate the specific workshop at the beginning of your abstract.
Submission Instructions
Submissions are restricted to one single-authored paper and one co-authored paper per individual. The abstract must be submitted online using the EasyChair abstract submission website, which will provide additional instructions. If you have never used EasyChair before, you will need to register. Should you have any problems submitting your abstract through EasyChair, please contact Please note that in order to present a paper or poster at ACAL 50, you must be a member of the Association of Contemporary African Linguistics (ACAL). To pay ACAL membership fees, please go to the ACAL organization website. Membership fees are collected by the ACAL organization, not the conference organizers.